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Watch the forest online full movie free

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Up until about the 30-minute mark, I was on board. The Forest focuses on Sara, whose sister has gone missing in said forest, and Sara's desperate endeavors to find her sister despite the evidence pointing to her being dead. In the movie, it's said that the forest compels people to kill themselves due to supernatural forces or vengeful spirits. It was a January release so I was in no rush to see it, but it had a genuinely cool premise: looking for someone in the suicide forest, which is an actual place in Japan where people go to commit suicide. I had my eye on this movie since it came out earlier this year.


Not only does his light color T-Shirt show no sign of bodily fluids or rotting flesh, in real life the smell of the decaying body on Aiden's clothing and skin would be so overwhelming as to be unbearable, not only to him but to those around him (that's why those who work around crime scenes, dead bodies, etc., wear special disposable bio suits and sometimes must even dispose of their street clothing if it is saturated with the odor of decaying tissue- the smell is that bad). Furthermore- immediately after having the corpse directly across his shoulders- Aiden continues his hike in close proximity to his companions. Even an inexperienced person like Aiden would know better than to make close, direct physical contact with a putrefying corpse, which is undoubtedly swarming with bacteria and insects- as well as leaking any number of bacteria laden bodily fluids- creating a highly unsanitary situation. The chances of this happening in real life are extremely unlikely. As Michi cuts the rope, Aiden takes the body in a "Fireman's Carry" across his shoulders and lowers it to the ground.

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During their first excursion into the forest with Sara, Aiden & Michi remove a decaying dead body hanging from a tree.

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